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Dress Code


Dress Code

To establish an academically focused environment, The Lakeside School will not permit any student to wear any article of clothing that is distracting, overly suggestive, or so extreme or inappropriate to the school setting that it disrupts the educational process.  Overseeing dress is a parental responsibility and Lakeside expects decisions about dress to reflect the high standards of Lakeside parents and students.  There are times when special events may warrant special attire. Teachers, administrators, and coaches may direct students regarding what to wear for special events. Parents are expected to cooperate with the school in the observance of the following guidelines, and students in grades 6th-12th will receive break detention for dress code violations.  

Grades K-5th
School uniforms are required for lower school grades.  Uniform guidelines are as follows:
● Students wear uniforms Monday - Thursday. 
● Shirts are to be tucked in (when applicable) and brown/black belt worn if bottoms have belt loops.  Kindergarten and 1st grade are exempt from the belt requirement.
● Lands End or similar style Polo style shirts are required.  Color options will be white, royal blue and black. 
● All polo style shirts must have the crest logo.  Lands’ End, Azure Creations, LLC, and Marley’s Monogramming and More are the exclusive vendors for logo items.  
● Lands’ End is the exclusive vendor for all school plaid items. 
● Parents may use any source for khaki bottoms (pants, shorts, capris, skorts, etc.) with no cargo or fishing net style bottoms. No khaki jumpers.
● Bottom of shorts, skorts, and jumpers shall be no shorter than fingertip length. Length applies to both boys and girls.
● Colors for girls’ tights or leggings are black, white or gray.
● Student’s wear tennis shoes with either black, white or gray socks.
● Lakeside hoodies may be worn with a uniform polo shirt underneath.
● Cool weather outerwear (light jacket) is to be the blue fleece from Lands’ End with crest logo OR gray cardigan for girls. Also, the crewneck sweatshirts in royal blue or grey from Lands’ End with the crest may be worn. For more extreme winter outerwear, students may wear a solid color heavy coat of their choice.
● Items purchased from other vendors must mirror the item styles available from Lands’ End to keep the look of the uniforms consistent.

Friday attire will be student choice Lakeside attire (Lakeside t-shirts, class t-shirts, homecoming t-shirts, etc.). See “Friday Dress Code”.

Grades 6th-12th  
School Uniforms are required for grades 6th-12th.
● Students wear uniforms Monday –Thursday.
● Boys wear non-cargo/non-fishing-net style khaki pants or shorts with polo style shirts. Shorts shall be finger tip length.
● Shirts are to be tucked in (when applicable) and brown/black belt worn if bottoms have belt loops.  
● Lands End or similar style Polo style shirts are required.  Color options will be white, royal blue and black. 
● All polo style shirts must have the crest logo.  Lands’ End Azure Creations, LLC, and Marley’s Monogramming and More are the exclusive vendors for logo items.  
o Students may wear long or short sleeves in any of these shirt styles.  
● Girls wear khaki shorts, skirts, skorts, khaki pants, or Lands’ End plaid skirts that are no shorter than finger-tip length with polo style shirts. 
o Polo color options will be white, royal blue, and black. 
o Students may wear long or short sleeves in any of these shirt styles.  
● Students wear royal blue, black, or light gray jackets of their choice for cold days. Also, the crewneck sweatshirts in royal blue or grey from Lands’ End with the crest may be worn. Camouflage jackets are not allowed.
● Camo is not allowed unless it is for a school dress-up/theme day.
● Students wear shoes of their choice.
● The Lakeside School has contracted with Lands’ End to provide custom uniform options; however, most items for middle/upper school students may be purchased from any vendor.  Lands’ End is the exclusive vendor for plaid skirts.  Items purchased from other vendors must mirror the item styles available from Lands’ End to keep the look of the uniforms consistent.

Friday attire will be student choice Lakeside attire (Lakeside t-shirts, class t-shirts, homecoming t-shirts, field trip t-shirts, etc.). See “Friday Dress Code”.

Friday Dress Code Policy K-12th 
● The “General Dress Code Policy” still applies on Friday. 
● Friday attire will be student choice Lakeside attire (Lakeside t-shirts, class t-shirts, homecoming t-shirts, etc.).
● Students are to be dressed in age-appropriate attire.
● Students may not wear camouflage shirts, pants, shorts, jackets, or shoes. 
● No athletic shorts or sweatpants are allowed unless these items are part of a team uniform for an event that day. 
● Jeans are allowed.
● The length of shorts and skorts must reach the end of the child’s fingertips when arms are straight by the side.

General Dress Code Policy for Grades 6th-12th
In order to maintain the high standards of The Lakeside School, the policies below provide general information about the dress code.  These policies cover uniform days, non-uniform days, field trips, etc.
● Shoes must be worn at all times.
● The required length of shorts, skirts or dresses is fingertip length.  
● If leggings are worn, they must be worn under skirts are skorts only and must be black, white or gray. T-shirts over leggings is not acceptable.
● Tops must have straps that are 2 inches or wider.  Halter tops are not acceptable.
● Tops must be modestly buttoned and must cover midriff as well as lower back. 
● No jerseys are allowed.
● Pants must be on hips and not expose undergarments.
● No camouflage shirts, pants, shorts, jackets or shoes are allowed unless it is worn for a school dress-up/theme day.
● Students may not wear any vulgar, obscene or otherwise inappropriate symbols, language or wording on clothing at school or school-sponsored events.  This includes clothing that advertises drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products or displays sexually inappropriate wording or pictures.  
● Athletic shorts or pants with a drawstring are inappropriate for class and may only be worn for PE or as part of a team uniform. 
● Sweatpants, joggers and other athletic wear are inappropriate for class and may only be worn for PE.
● Jeans may not have holes in them. 
● Sunglasses are not to be worn in the school building.
● Caps or headwear of any type are not allowed at school.  If worn to school, they will be taken to the office and returned at the end of the day.  If a cap is taken more than 3 times, it will be returned at the end of the school year.
● No belly button rings or face piercings, and male students are not allowed to wear earrings. 
● Hair style and hair color must be styled conservatively.  Non-natural hair color is not permitted.

For Boys (K-12th) 
Boys should be clean-shaven and must have hair neatly trimmed, combed, and tapered so that eyebrows, earlobes and collars are exposed.  Sideburns must be kept neat, trimmed, and stop at the lower earlobe.  There will be no mustaches, goatees or beards.  Earrings are not permitted for male students.  



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